Learning Objectives
The IANTD rebreather course is an course for divers wishing to utilize rebreather equipment for diving.
The objective of the course is to train divers in the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for diving a CCR and to develop basic CCR diving skills to a maximum depth of 132 fsw/40 msw using an air diluent with or with out decompression.
The course objective included the following:
- To provide divers with an understanding of the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for diving with a rebreather.
- Understand the basic skills required by a basic rebreather diver.
- Be able to conduct diving planning to ensure sufficient gas supplies.
- Be able to conduct diving planning to ensure sufficient absorbent duration.
- Be able to conduct diving planning to minimize and/or track oxygen exposure
- Be able to conduct diving planning for inert gas loading.
- Physiological limits concerning the diver include oxygen exposure, narcosis and decompression risks.
- To identify the risks and signs or symptoms of O2 and CO2 toxicity Developing a smooth, streamlined underwater swimming style.
- Universal considerations of the rebreather diving kit.
- Many factors contribute to diving accidents, and an equal number of behaviors and practices reduce the likelihood of these accidents.
- Know some of the common causes of accidents, along with practical preventative measures and some possible solutions to avoid accidents.
- Identify the component of a good dive team and dive team member.